Episode 26: Overrated Shows
Episode 26: Overrated Shows
Oh boy, do we have thoughts?! Join Rachel & Taylor on their discussion of shows that they consider are OVERRATED.
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Rachel’s Shows:
1) The Greatest Showman
2) Hamilton
3) Grease
4) Mamma Mia!
5) The Phantom of the Opera
Taylor’s Shows:
1) The Lion King
2) Cats
3) West Side Story
4) Macbeth
5) The Phantom of the Opera
Greatest Showman Crosswalk Musical: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZSVf-yD7N8&list=WL&index=2
“This is Me” Rehearsal Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLFEvHWD_NE
Rachel’s Character:
Mrs. Potts from Beauty and the Beast
Taylor’s Character:
Tom & Julia from Smash