“Getting to Know You…”

Really, it’s “Getting to know us…” (If you're aware of that reference, then you're in the right place)

Rachel and Taylor met in 2010 while performing a production of Roger’s & Hammerstein’s Cinderella. They became fast friends and, throughout the years, have shared a lifelong love of performing arts. In 2020, Taylor suggested the two of them start a theater podcast and as they say….the rest is history.

Hi, we’re Theater Nerds, in case you couldn’t tell.

  • Rachel Jones


    HELLO ! My name is Rachel Jones and if you just found yourself singing “Hello!” from Book of Momon then you are like me - you’re a theatre nerd. I love theatre. Theatre has been a place where I have been able to turn in every season of my life. It has been a comfort in tough times, a companion in loneliness, and an escape from the world. I grew up on the stage with a local theatre group, eventually taking part in plays and musicals with my middle school and a theatre group (CYT) where I met Taylor! Nowadays I adore being a fan, an audience member, and at times a fanatic of theatre.

    Theatre continues to shape me, offering me new ideas and perspectives, allowing me to get closer to describing the feelings and thoughts I have inside. It also helps to place me proximate to new ideas and narratives and continues to challenge my white upper-middle class suburban Virginia upbringing. It is my hope that the great world of theatre will continue to shift in a progressive and positive motion, working to include all peoples on and off stage in this wonderful creative world. I continue to marvel at all the artists who work to make theatre a reality. I am thankful for them and for the theatre nerds out there who continue to come back time and time again.

  • Taylor Read


    Ever since my 10 year old eyes witnessed the iconic High School Musical in 2006, I knew my life had been changed “For Good.” Hi, I’m Taylor Read, your other host of Theater Nerds. With its bright lights, cozy house seats, and exhilarating energy, the theater has always been a second home for me. No matter the love I have for everything Pop Culture, I always turn back to theater as my one great love. There is something magical about experiencing a live performance of a cast of human beings, before your eyes, that can never be recreated. Especially with musical theater, the storytelling of performing art can provide escapism and realism all in one night. As a theater enthusiast, you can catch me at any local, touring, or Broadway production and or listening to my latest show obsession. Outside of the theater, you can find me watching movies, working on word search challenges, and walking with my wonderful wife Catherine and 4 year old golden-doodle Winnie. Theater Nerds came out of Rachel and I’s shared love and passion for the performing arts. We hope you join us on this magical carpet ride of a podcast and come nerd out with us!